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Romans 5:3 but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Storms come. If we can discover the reason and grow wiser trials won’t overwhelm us. Outlast the season and grow stronger. But never quit!

Chuck Swindoll writes: “Somebody needs to address the other side of Christian life, if for no other reason than to uphold reality.” We need to be told that difficulty and pressure are par-for-the-course. No amount of Biblical input, church conferences or super-victory seminars will exempt you from struggle.

God promises no bubble of protection. Ask guys like Job, Joseph, Daniel and Paul, and you’ll become acquainted with an ancient word that has almost disappeared in this generation is perseverance! It’s in the tough times that true character is forged, the life of Christ is reproduced in us, and our flimsy theology is exchanged for a set of convictions that enable us to handle things rather than trying to escape them.

It’s when the bottom falls out and life tries to pound you into a corner of doubt and unbelief, that you need what perseverance produces: (a) a willingness to accept whatever comes, knowing that by God’s grace you’ll win and come out stronger; (b) a determination to stand firm while those around you are falling or running away; (c) insight to see the character-developing hand of God in it all. Without that, we stumble and fall and God is grieved. With it, we survive and conquer and God is glorified.’

Sometimes quitting may seem like the only option, but keep going!

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