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God has a plan – trust him.

‘He makes everything work out according to his plan.’ Ephesians 1:11

Sometimes we pray for a certain thing, thinking it’s good for us, but only God knows what’s best for us. Sometimes he’ll say to us, ‘Not that way. If you trust me, I’ve got something better for you.’ We can get upset when God says no to us, not realizing we might have been more upset if he’d given us what we asked for.

That’s why it’s so important for us to pray for God’s guidance. Trusting God and following his plan can be like walking down a misty lane. The mist hides whatever’s at the end, and you can only see a couple of steps ahead of you. But as you go further along that lane and venture into the mist, more of the goal is revealed and comes into focus.

When Paul was in prison, he said, ‘I have learned to be satisfied with the things I have and with everything that happens’ (Philippians 4:11). His contentment didn’t come from his surroundings – he was in prison during most of his ministry. His contentment came from trusting God and knowing that he ‘makes everything work out according to his plan’ (Ephesians 1:11). Paul didn’t understand every detail of God’s plan, but he trusted God with every step he took. And that’s what we need to do too.

When you’re struggling to understand God’s plan for you, remind yourself that you just need to trust him for the next step. He’ll work out the rest.

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